With poplar and some local branches, I made this gnome home and some additional cut pieces. Now, only a child's imaginative play is needed to bring stories of gentle country gnomes and playful forest elves to life. While working on a Shakespeare play for my seventh grade students, I came across a fitting excerpt from Puck in A Midsummer Night's Dream:
Through the house give glimmering light
By the dead drowsy fire:
Every elf and fairy sprite
Hop as light as bird from brier:
And this ditty after me
Sing, and dance it trippingly.
First, rehearse your song by rote,
To each word a warbling note;
Hand in hand, with fairy grace,
Will we sing, and bless this place.

I made a similar fairy home for my children last year out of a tree branch and you are so right. All it takes is a child's imagination for hours of imaginative play to bring the characters to life.
i have made similar fairy houses big,medium and teeny tiny over this xmas break --i can't wait to see what the wee ones will do with them when they return to our little home based waldorf early learning program. Happy new year ! :)light and magic to you
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