in radiant spirit
a wish unspoken
in hand is written
to move the child
with force unseen
as such are dreams
mothers and fathers
loving beings
bestow their blessings
to transform the world
with community
and strength of family
Over the weekend, I met with the parents of the children whom I will be journeying through sixth grade with at Davis Waldorf. Radiant beings with open hearts and open minds, the parents needed to see in whom their children's academic and social lives have been entrusted. I introduced the parents to my educational philosophy, and my vision for the students in addressing the academic component of their journey.
Perhaps, and I hope this is true, they saw in me, one who would genuinely care for the holistic wellness of the children. Joining the wonderful community of Davis and the families of Davis Waldorf, I believe that my own family will become part of an amazing circle of people with transformative power.
Through the concerted work of the caregivers and parents, and faculty at Davis Waldorf, I believe we have the capacity and the spirit to make a global impact: our children will influence the world, so we need to give them the love and the tools to influence it in the best possible ways.
It starts with a little blessing, a wish, the dreamer's scroll. I asked the parents to all write a message for their youngsters, an energetic thought, a wish of boundless nature. We tied each into a scroll and placed them all into a clear glass vase. It will remain in the classroom all year, and through eighth grade. Perhaps, at graduation day, the children will open them. We will see how that unspoken wish may have come true or had somehow aided the youngster in his or her journey.
I had a good feeling when the meeting was over. The parents appeared to support me in my vision. One offered his property for an overnighter to view the stars in our astronomy block. Others, seasoned campers, offered to help in our trip to Mount Lassen to view the volcano for our minerology block. Others wanted to arrange home visits. I said I welcome all those opportunities for parent involvement. And for home visits, I also welcome a plate of fried calamari!